Monday 8 December 2008

Valdes Pensinular Part Two

For the next day, we were booked to go and see dolphins, a huge penguin colony and a Welsh village where you can have all the tea and cakes that your heart desires. Our guide is as equally scary as the last but in a different way - she´s a bit moody and we don´t endear to her as much as yesterday. Lot´s of people seem to be late for the tour and she keeps moaning and whingeing about it in Spanish for most of the journey. Our dolphin tour is not as well organised as the previous, the people on the boat are rude and stand up in front of you so you can´t see the dolphins. However, when we do see the dolphins, there are lots of them - everywhere. They are the smallest dolphins in the world and are very beautiful - black and white and look like mini Orcas. They swim close to the boats, playing and jumping. They follow the bows of the boats, almost touching them the whole time.

The drive to the penguin colony was long and drab. We arrived and walked for a while before we started to see anything - a couple of penguins here and there with their chicks. Then more and more penguins until there was too many to count. It really looks like a city for penguins, with some going about their daily business. You can get right up close but are not allowed to touch them and they can bite if you do so. We golt to a lookout where you can see the penguins in their thousands. They´re all walking, swimming and chatting and seeming to have a good time. The beach stretches as far as the eye can see and along the shore are huge groups of them. We continued walking around, finding some penguins with eggs still to hatch. They make lots of noise not too dissimilar to donkeys and all around you can hear the squawking of the chicks. We were sad to leave and we´d had a great time.

Our final stop was to be a Welsh Tea House in a little village on the way back to Puerto Madryn. We thought the whole thing would be kinda cheesy and a bit of a rip-off. It was expensive, but we shared all the cakes which was enough for twenty people. The cakes and tea were simply excellent and the tea house itself was kind of authentic. We managed to stuff ourselves silly and had a jolly good time!

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